
In the beginning...

Lindsey created her first personal blog.  It all began on a day, insignificant, until a witty turn of phrase and a boring Strategic Management class drove me to create: A Piece From a Pod.  If my stroke of brilliance has not yet seeped into your brain, just give it time.

So how else better to begin a blog than with an age old discussion inspired by Audra and lightly touched on below?

What came first: The chicken or the egg?

From the towering intellect of Audra and a reference to a dirty jobs episode, your opinion on this may boil down to two descriptions:  If you are a religious person, you believe in the antecedent of the chicken; evolution--the egg.  

But why delve into the deep theological debate of the question when you can just scramble it together into a lightly whipped discussion?  The emergence of a chicken, or chick to be precise, from an egg would leave this lonely flightless bird in a large world with no way to reproduce.  Unless it can get crafty with the broken remnants of an egg shell, it is left as the sole Adam or Eve of its race.  So in order to rectify this conundrum, I say to re-coin the phrase as "the chicken or the eggs?"

Had the chicken predated its fragile shell and appeared on the earth in a bright yellow light like a fresh yoke with peels of squawking, it could have eventually produced an egg.  Yet again, unless it willed itself into existence with a bun in the oven, it would have to solve the problem of fertilization.  As we all know, a chicken lacks many brain cells, except those to run and cluck in circles, so I cannot give it the benefit of the doubt that it solved this enigma all on its own.  Thus, logically, the question must be revised as "the chickens or the eggs?"

Now I realized I claimed a lightly whipped discussion and it has all turned rather frothy, so I will say that in answer to the question which came first I say both.  A chicken descended from that yellow glow with a pristine white egg resting at its feet.  From this hatched a handsome rooster, who signaled the dawn and aided in the production of the eggs and the young who would serve us for breakfast and dinner.  Now, from a moral standpoint we have a Cain/Abel, reproducing with your own siblings issue.  This directly explains the lack of brains of these clucking beings but does not explain how they are so delicious.

And so it was.